AM Foundations

Asset Management Foundations

Build your asset management knowledge to realise value from your assets.

Register Now​


What is Asset Management Foundations?

The Asset Management Foundations course is a self-paced online course, featuring 4 modules that are designed to build capacity for any asset intensive organisation while increasing your own understanding of the asset management discipline.

The key objectives of the course are to define what asset management is and understand why it is important.

The Asset Management Foundations course will:

  • Define what Asset Management is and why it is important.
  • Explain the difference between Asset Management and Managing Assets.
  • Outline the Asset Management System.
  • Summarise the key considerations for good Asset Management.
  • Identify and explain the factors for success including alignment with the financial planning and reporting task.

This course has recently been refreshed to reference the updated ISO55000 series international standards for Asset Management with the release of revised versions of ISO55000 - Vocabulary, overview and principles, 55001 - Asset management system — Requirements & TS 55010 - Guidance on the alignment of financial and nonfinancial functions in asset management.


Study Mode

4 Online Modules


4 weeks


25 hours


Member Price: $1,250 + GST
Non-Member Price: $1,450 + GST



Australian and International Course

Online icon

Course Commences
10 March 2025

View key course dates and times


Australian and International Course

Online icon

Course Commences
11 August 2025

View key course dates and times

Course Overview

IPWEA believes that with an increasing focus on the value for money proposition in response to changing circumstances while managing risk and resilience of existing infrastructure, there is a growing need for all asset intensive organisations to address the issue of long-term sustainable service delivery.

Join our subject matter experts and fellow learners for this four-week online course. Designed to accommodate your busy schedule, the Asset Management Foundations course will:

  • Define what Asset Management is and why it is important,
  • Explain the difference between Asset Management and Managing Assets
  • Outline the Asset Management System,
  • Summarise the key considerations for good Asset Management, and
  • Identify and explain the factors for success including alignment with the financial planning and reporting task.

Utilising two globally recognised publications:

  • International Standards (ISO55000), and
  • International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM)
amf overview


The course features 4 online modules, over 4 weeks. Modules progressively open each Monday at 9AM.

Course 2025 — Semester 1


Module Open

Every Monday

Live Q&A

Every Thursday

Module 1 - Introduction

10 Mar

13 Mar

Module 2 - The Asset Management System

17 Mar

20 Mar

Module 3 - Key Considerations

24 Mar

27 Mar

Module 4 - Factors for Success

31 Mar

3 Apr

Course 2025 — Semester 2


Module Open

Every Monday

Live Q&A

Every Thursday

Module 1 - Introduction

11 Aug

14 Aug

Module 2 - The Asset Management System

18 Aug

21 Aug

Module 3 - Key Considerations

25 Aug

28 Aug

Module 4 - Factors for Success

1 Sep

4 Sep

Live Q&A Sessions

Optional Live Q&A webinar sessions scheduled 10am each Thursday. These provide an opportunity to ask questions and discuss aspects of Asset Management with the course mentors and your peers. These sessions are recorded and are available where scheduled times not suitable (Europe, other).


IPWEA member: AU$1,250 + GST
Non-member: AU$1,450 + GST

Save up to $200/pp when you register for this course as an IPWEA member.

Group discounts available

Group discounts are available to organisations who register:

  • 3-5 people (15% discount)
  • 6+ pp (20% discount)

*need to be registered at the same time and from the same organisation.

Please email full participants details of group (name, position, email, contact details, phone) to:

Course Objectives + Outcomes

Course Objectives:

  • Define what Asset Management is and why it is important
  • Explain the difference between Asset Management and Managing Assets
  • Outline the Asset Management System
  • Summarise the key considerations for good Asset Management
  • Identify and explain the factors for success including alignment with the financial planning and reporting task
amf objectives

Course Outputs:

  • Successful completion of the course — "Asset Management Foundations“.
  • After each of the four Modules, you will be asked to complete a short assessment task designed to consolidate your learning.


We spoke to AM Foundations alumni Brett Oldland about his experience with the first course, and here's what he had to say:

"Having undertaken many trades roles throughout my career in Parks and Open Space operations I had been looking for something with more of a holistic approach to the way we manage these spaces.

A chance secondment as ‘Assets Technical Officer, Parks and Open Space’ opened a new world of opportunity and I enthusiastically enrolled and undertook the IPWEA Asset Planning Professional Certificate.

However, having a technical horticultural background I found it challenging to link my existing knowledge to what I learned in the Professional Certificate.

The IPWEA Foundations course has helped me bridge my knowledge gap of the fundamentals and consolidate my understanding of AM principles and I am better able to articulate what this means in my workplace.

I only wish the IPWEA Foundations course had been available earlier. I look forward to applying what I have learned. I would recommend this course to anyone new to Asset Management or seeking to break into this as a career path, and also encourage anyone in an operational role to undertake this course in order to develop their knowledge on how an organisation can realise value from their assets."

Brett Oldland, Principal Consultant, Colour Me Green Horticulture

amf testimonials


Course Format

Asset Management Foundations is a self-paced online course delivered via our online learning platform.

  • Each of the four modules requires you to work through the online materials each week, comprising assessment activities and reading excerpts from the International Standards and IIMM publications.
  • You can also attend an (optional) 45-minute * online session held each Friday, where key concepts will be covered, and you’ll have the opportunity for Q&A with our IPWEA subject matter experts.
  • After each of the four Modules, you will be asked to complete a short assessment task designed to consolidate your learning.

*The live webinars will be recorded for those who are unable to attend.

Online Program

This is a 100% online program, which gives you the flexibility to adapt your training to your professional and personal needs. You will be guided throughout the program by a personal learning mentor who will help you with activities.

amf delivery


Your mentors fast-track student’s learning, through the sharing of their experiences and insights. Your mentors track your progress, provide feedback and carefully assess your draft Asset Management Plan.

Steve Verity
Principal Advisor - Asset Mgt, IPWEA

Steve is a fellow member of the IPWEA and has over 25 years’ experience in infrastructure management across the public and private sectors. Steve has a strong appreciation in the importance of applying robust planning and risk management frameworks to ensure the necessary funds are available to deliver projects and programs at the agreed level of service. Steve brings a depth and breadth of expertise to the team and willingness to share experiences with those who wish to develop their skills and knowledge.

Jacqui Hansen
Principal Advisor - Asset Mgt, IPWEA

Jacqui Hansen is a consulting civil engineer with 25 years’ experience in local government. She specialises in Asset Management and for 15 years has provided consulting services to local government, helping Councils to improve asset management practices and develop meaningful asset management plans. Her focus has always been the needs of regional, rural and remote communities. She brings her real-life experiences to the team.

Who Should Enrol

The course is targeted at those managing public infrastructure assets such as road and transport networks, water, sewer and drainage networks, parks and recreation facilities, community facilities and buildings and other community assets.

Therefore, any professional with an interest in progressing their career in this rapidly evolving field, including:

  • asset managers
  • accountants / finance staff
  • technical officers
  • administrative staff
  • community planners
  • IT staff
  • senior management
  • staff service providers
amf wse



Recommended Text

The 6th Edition of the globally acclaimed, International Infrastructure Management Manual (IIMM) has been driven largely by the updates to the ISO 55000 Asset Management Standards. Recognising that the ISO Standards are very much the “What to do”, the IIMM provides the “How to do it” in terms of applying the standards for infrastructure asset management. The Manual provides valuable learnings for those who have a vital stewardship role in managing the investment in infrastructure on behalf of their community, customers or investors.


CPD + Certification

CPD Points

On average, each module will take approximately 2-3 hours to complete the mandatory learning activities.

An optional 45 minute live Q&A session is scheduled each module, providing an opportunity for you to ask questions and discuss key concepts of asset management with a mentor.

Total estimated 25 hours.
Eligible for CPD by Engineers Australia (EA) in accordance with EA Guidelines.


Credly Badge

Showcase your IPWEA Education Pathway achievements with a Digital Badge.

IPWEA has partnered with Credly to provide a convenient way for you to showcase your professional accomplishments. Upon course completion, you will now receive a ‘digital badge’ to recognise your achievements. A digital badge is easily shared online, data rich and verified. It is the ideal way to showcase your achievement.

IPWEA Digital Badges recognise the knowledge and skill gained via our courses in a way that is shareable with your network. We’ll be introducing the following badges for our four current pathway courses.

AAMC Global Certificate

Asset Management Foundations gains International Recognition!

Asset Management Foundations was recently endorsed by the World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) Global Certification Scheme, meeting the requirements for the WPiAM Awareness in Asset Management Certificate.

Terms and Conditions - Asset Management Foundations


Participants may cancel their enrolment at any time. Cancellations received prior to the commencement of the course will not incur any penalty. Cancellations received after the course has commenced will be required to pay 100% of the course fee.

Enrolment suspension and transfer:

  1. Applications to suspend and transfer enrolment to the next course must be received by the course administrator before the start of Module 1.
  2. Applications for suspension and transfer received after commencement of Module 1 will incur a fee equal to 50% of the course registration fee to transfer to a future course.
  3. Participants who have transferred enrolment to a Course must recommence on the next available course.
  4. Participants who are granted an enrolment suspension and transfer will be provided access to all modules of the subsequent Course. Any of the work completed on the eLearning portal during the initial enrolment will not be transferred to the subsequent course.

Course fee payment:

Participants must ensure course fee payments are complete prior to the commencement of the course. In the event of late enrolments, IPWEA will accept an official Purchase Order as proof of pending payment. Participants who have not paid the course fee, do not receive feedback on their assignment submissions and cannot complete the course.


Extensions to complete work/assignments which are due will only be given in the following circumstances:

  1. Illness or injury of the candidate or his/her immediate family where the candidate is one of the primary caregivers;
  2. Death or incapacity of a family member or close relative;
  3. Abnormal or unanticipated work load resulting from entity restructures or severe natural weather events such as earthquakes, storms, floods.


Assignments must be the participant’s own work. The use of AI to complete assignments can be detected. Participants using AI to complete assignments are not demonstrating that they understand the key concepts in the course and will be asked to resubmit.

Course Closure and Finalisation:

Participants will have access to the online course environment, IPWEA eLearning platform for a reasonable period following the conclusion of the course to facilitate assignment completion.

Our commitment to participants:

  • The Assignments will remain confidential and will only be used for the mentor’s assessment and feedback.
  • Mentors will respond to participant questions in a timely manner.
  • Mentors will provide support to all participants as far as practical to assist them to complete the course.


Personal information will be handled in accordance with IPWEA’s privacy policy, available on IPWEA’s website.

Use of AI tools:

IPWEA appreciates the convenience and assistance that artificial intelligence (AI) tools offer. However, to ensure you achieve value from the learning experience, we strongly recommend limiting the use of AI in your interactions, discussions and assessment submissions. This course is designed to enhance your individual critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and professional skills. Using AI extensively may hinder this development. While we don't entirely prohibit the use of AI, we ask you to use such tools responsibly and primarily for tasks like organising or summarising thoughts, rather than to generate submissions. Any work submitted should reflect your understanding, insights, and the contextualised application of the knowledge gained throughout the course. Any excessive reliance on AI detected in submissions may impact assessment outcomes.

More IPWEA Pathway Courses

Event #2

Professional Certificate in Asset Management Planning

Monday 26th August 2024, 9:00am AEST

CPD approx. 50-60 hours

Find Out More ➔

Event #3

Professional Certificate in Infrastructure Financial Management

Monday 2nd September 2024, 9:00am AEST

CPD approx. 30-40 hours

Find Out More ➔

Event #3

Integrating Asset Management & Governance

Monday 21st October 2024, 10:00am AEST

CPD approx. 14 hours

Find Out More ➔