
Why is Hoopla different to all the other job boards?

Originally, the only option for job listings was the newspaper – remember the Positions Vacant? Wow, that seems eons ago now.

Then, Seek and MyCareer became the only two dominant players in the on-line recruitment industry for job listings. But they have become so crowded and trying to be one size fits all.

Most recently, we’ve seen aggregator sites like Azuna and Indeed where they web crawl the hundreds of jobs board sites (or so they say) and present them in a summary. That’s an advance on the original Seek model.

But the cutting edge jobs boards in the USA have now moved on past that.

The biggest growth areas and with the best outcome for employers and job seekers comes from jobs boards owned and run by industry organisation themselves.

Think about it: IPWEA has over 4,000 members and 40,000+ Ask Your Mates subscribers. Many other associations have tens of thousands of members. Doesn’t it make much more sense to target your job hunting right at your industry to get straight to the people you want to attract?

This is why Hoopla is different – we match infrastructure jobs with infrastructure people! Jamie Williams from YourMembership (the platform provider on which Hoopla is built), says Hoopla will be a one-stop shop for matching infrastructure professionals with infrastructure jobs. “For job seekers, they can go to Hoopla, and they’re going to effectively be able to see just about every relevant job going within public works,” he says.

Williams says, overwhelmingly, the feedback from employers who advertise on association job boards is that every person who applies is someone they would want to interview – a stark contrast to the inundation of unqualified candidates a post on a general jobs site will receive.

What's the Hoopla Advantage?

Hoopla specialises and cuts through to get straight to the people that:

  • Already have the industry knowledge you want
  • Understands the culture of the industry
  • Will fit into your team quicker
  • Bring a sound understanding of the political process in which you operate
  • Have expertise in asset Management and financial integrations of AMPs
  • Already have an established network of connections relevant to your business

Finally, apart from active job seekers, our large membership base gives you access to a passive job seekers market .. After all who doesn't want to advance their career … For the right job match?!

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