Practice Note 1: Footpaths & Cycleways
Version 2
Published 2007, V2 2014
This Practice Note for Footpath and Cycleways Condition Assessment is the first in a series of Practice Notes developed by the National Asset Management Strategy Group (NAMS.AU) of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA).
It is to:
- Assist practitioners in applying best practice for condition assessment for various asset classes.
- The aim is to promote a national approach and encourage consistency of data and outputs.
- These will be living documents, subject to review and update as further and better information comes to hand.
About Practice Note 1
- The Guidelines are applicable for constructed footpaths and cycleways along road reserves, pathways and through park and recreation reserves or other council controlled land, and available for use by the general public.
- Footpaths and cycleways play an important role in the overall transport and recreational network.
- The increasing focus on pedestrian and cycle modes as a healthy and active alternative is enhancing their importance.