Practice Note 10.2
Parks Management: Renewal Planning, Valuation and Asset Management Plans
Published 2016
About Practice Note 10.2
This Parks Management Practice Note provides practical advice and guidance to assist parks management practitioners in the application of asset management practices. It uses parks terminology and parks examples to translate the typical engineering focused asset management approach to the parks environment.
It includes information to assist in the following tasks:
- Financial budgeting and planning
- Valuation including the approach to setting individual asset lives and values
- Renewal planning
- Asset management plan preparation
The aim is to foster best practice and a national approach to encourage consistency of management practices, valuation and asset management outcomes.
It is intended that these Guidelines be applicable for:
- Local government parks departments
- State government parks agencies
- Public utility agencies managing open spaces
- Trusts and other organisations responsible for managing publicly accessible parks and open space.
Within the framework of Practice Notes developed by IPWEA, parks management has its own sub-group of guidelines, based on the following framework:
PN 10.1 Parks Management: Inventories, Condition & Performance Grading
PN 10.2 Parks Management: Renewal Planning, Valuation and Asset Management Plans
PN 10.3 Parks Management: Levels of Service
PN 10.4 Parks Management: Parks Service Delivery
PN 10.5 Parks Management: Planning
PN 10.6 Parks Management: Trails, Tracks and Paths