Practice Note 10.5
Parks Management: Planning
Practice Note 10.5 is designed to provide practical, parks specific planning advice and guidance. It uses best practice principles combined with industry examples to implement parks planning tasks in the areas of:
- Preparation of parks/open space strategies
- Preparation of activity strategies, such as playgrounds, public toilets, trails, street trees, cemeteries, etc
- Community engagement and research
- Assessment of current provision
- Assessment of growth and demand and impacts
- Plans of management/reserve management plans
- Asset management planning
- Service delivery planning
It is intended that these guidelines be applicable for typical Local and State Government Parks Agencies, Public Utility Agencies, Tertiary Institutions, Trusts and other organisations responsible for managing publicly accessible parks, open space, and natural areas.
The subject of this Practice Note is publicly accessible parks, open space and natural areas which are generally defined as any land that is managed for the purposes of public recreation, biodiversity, protection, heritage conservation, or wider urban amenity or landscape enhancement.
Within the framework of Practice Notes developed by IPWEA, parks management has its own sub-group of guidelines, based on the following framework:
PN 10.1 Parks Management: Inventories, Condition & Performance Grading
PN 10.2 Parks Management: Renewal Planning, Valuation and Asset Management Plans
PN 10.3 Parks Management: Levels of Service
PN 10.4 Parks Management: Parks Service Delivery
PN 10.5 Parks Management: Planning
PN 10.6 Parks Management: Trails, Tracks and Paths