Practice Note 7: Water Supply & Sewerage
v2 Published 2016
ALL NEW section on ISO 55000 Asset Management Standards
These Guidelines provide direction and guidance in the process of condition and performance assessment for Water Supply and Sewerage assets. An appreciation of how the process sits within the overall framework of good asset management will aid in successful outcomes.
Condition and performance assessment is undertaken at three levels:
Level 1 Routine operation and maintenance data assessment
Relevant data captured as part of the on-going operation and maintenance process is analysed to gain an understanding of asset condition and performance;
Level 2 Formalised asset inspection/condition assessment
This will include a planned and structured inspection of the asset portfolio which should include a representative sample and a risk-based sample of the portfolio; and
Level 3 Detailed investigation
Undertaken as required and where shown to be cost-effective.
Purchase also provides access to a valuable, easy to use spreadsheet toolkit. The Toolkit allows a WS&S Utility to select the priority and timing of renewals based on the condition and consequence-of-failure of the assets. The Tool also includes some generic deterioration curves which can be adjusted by a WS&S Utility. Refer to Section 14.5 of Practice Note for access link.