IPWEA's national uniform code for assessing road pavement condition
Suite Includes:
PN9: Road Pavement (Visual Assessment) - Hard & soft copy
PN9.1: How to Assess Road Pavement Condition - Soft copy
PN9.2: How to Integrate Pavement Assessments into AM planning - E-book
The Suite of Guidelines provide a process for carrying out visual assessment of pavement defects as a basis for assessing the condition of Road Pavement assets and to assist in determining the most appropriate treatment for maintaining the desired level of service for these assets. Through that, an enhanced ability to budget for the longer term renewal and replacement costs likely to be incurred as well as whole-of-life costs arising from the decisions to maintain, renew or build new assets.
PN 9 includes a compendium of photos to assist users in achieving a consistent condition rating score across a road network. PN 9.1 provides detailed guidance on how to actually carry out the pavement assessments and PN 9.2 then explains how the results of such assessments are integrated into the organisation’s asset management planning and long term financial plans.